
Classical Architecture

   Classical architecture as we know it today is commonly associated with the great architectural master pieces of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. This are specifically characterized in its range of conventional forms, Greek architecture can be characterized in three orders; the Doric Oder, The Ionic Order and The Corinthian Order. Each of these leaving an impact an influencing the architectural styles on Western architecture in latter periods of time. The Ionic Order coexisted with the Doric order and was favored by the Greek multiple cities. It’s similarly designed to the Doric but slightly more decorated with stylized ornament and surmounted by horizontal band that scrolls under to the side. The Corinthian Order grew after the Ionic, with similar types and proportions its differentiated by its more ornate capitals. The Doric Order was developed on mainland Greece, spreading mostly to Italy. This order is recognized for its capital, The Parthenon. The Parthe...

Estilo, Decoración y Ornamento

              El estilo, decoración y ornamento son partes fundamentales de un diseño. Estos adornan el diseño para cumplir con las expectativas estipuladas. Cada uno de ellos juega un papel distinto en la creación de un diseño. Pueden ayudar a que el diseño sea más llamativo y atrape la atención de los consumidores. Aunque el estilo, la decoración y el ornamento sean diferentes aspectos hacen que el plano sea mas atractivo hacia los demás mientras expone la creatividad y peculiaridad del diseñador.             Estilo se puede definir como la originalidad del diseñador en su plan. Con este le otorga su toque o firma, marcando el diseño como suyo. Un estilo no puede ser copiado ya que es exclusivamente del autor, lo que le da unas características únicas a su diseño. Como parte del estilo podemos encontrar el termino decoración. Con este se le añaden elementos...

The Art of Design

  When objects acquire reality and meaning they can turn into designs. A design will be based on the establishment and how it could change or alternate the reality of what is supposed to be built. To make a design there has to be an analysis, a synthesis and an evolution. It is important to identify the designs used in the area and how this new one adjusts to it. After that, one should keep in mind the alternatives around the design and how it could be changed. Then from those alternatives you must reduce the options and choose the one that works the best. When it comes to the designer, they must have the ability to incorporate his judgement and ask themselves if their design is complete or if it needs a change. They should add their style and creativity to their creation for it to be unique. Creativity is the most important of skills, it gives you the ability to think of more options and questions about your design. This means that the design will have very ...